| - The pizza here is pretty damn good for Phoenix.
Same thing with the beer selections and the appetizers. We've been here a few times now, and the food has always been out of this world.
Where I am dinging them one star is the service.
I get that serving is a crappy job, and that you have to deal with members of the public on a daily basis who do not understand the most basic forms of etiquette or social manners that would qualify them as members of the human species.
But there are simple things you can do as a server to keep things on the up and up with the people eating, and presumably tipping you, at your job. Like when you serve a beer in a bottle, if it starts to overflow before you get it to the table, go get another one. Its not your money, so don't worry about it.
The second star I am taking down has to do with last Friday, August 10th. I understand that from time to time people want to throw larger parties there, but you need to explain to these social megalomaniacs that there are other people eating in the restaurant, and that this is not the local "Pizza Shack," and that running around taking tons of flash photos, bumping into other tables, yelling and screaming, and acting like ass-hats in general is not acceptable behavior.
It puts me off the idea of ever going back to Classic Italian due to their inability to deal with the crowd of what I presume are birthday revelers. So much so that in thinking about it I deducted another star. I get that they were a big party, but the rest of the tables in the joint added up to more money coming in than this one party would have. Always mind where your bread is buttered Classic Italian. I've been in when its dead, and due to your inability to hand out some crowd control, you can be pretty sure that I won't be there again.