Quite frankly they've ruined this place. It used to be a sit down restaurant that served three meals a day plus late night snacks. It still does that but don't bother with breakfast. My guess is because of the new Pantry restaurant they didn't need all the servers so you walk up to the counter, order and someone brings you your food. that would be fine if the food was good. We went for breakfast because we were tired of the Pantry and it wasn't good. Both my husband and I ordered omelets, plain old cheese ones. How can you mess those up? Well you can. Normally a cheese omelet has cheese inside, these just had melted cheese on top. The potatoes that came with them were cold and my toast had no butter and there was none on the table and I could never find the one server to ask for some. Maybe their lunches are still good but we certainly won't go back for breakfast again.