| - Where to start... After looking at all the reviews here on Yelp, there are some clear patterns to see and enough to make some educated opinions. However, my opinion is based off of refereeing 6 nights a week for at the facility for 6+ years. When working at this facility it's clear to see that if you happened to come from a particular overseas country (the same that the owner is from) or played for the local "professional" indoor soccer team you received special treatment. So much so that you could actually punch someone in the face on numerous occasions and be allowed to play the next week. Meanwhile, others would be suspended for a week or an entire season for merely cursing at another player. Makes sense right? I saw this on numerous occasions and when asked why this was, all I could say is, "talk to the owner." There were also numerous times where the youth coaches would be playing in their designated adult leagues and they would have an outburst and/or threaten other players or staff members. They would once again be allowed to play the next week AND still be employed. Now these are the types of people I'd want coaching my young one. The fields are also an issue. Numerous areas where the turf has creases, parts ripping up, clumps of rubber beads due to no maintain even and the boards are so unstable that I've seen (on multiple occasions) players run into the door and it would fly open when it was "latched." Waiver or no waiver, these clear safety issues are due to neglect and are known to the management and owner. Still, nothing has been done. The climate is also a major issue. When it's hot outside, it's hotter inside and quite stuffy. You will only be cooled off by 4 small fans (one faces each bench on both fields). The AC doesn't ever work and when it rains heavily there are numerous areas where there are leaks. The referees here are really great guys and do their best. However, it's hard to enforce rules when a simple discussion with the owner or manager, will overturn your decision. So ultimately it's like, what's the point? Sorry to say, but it's true. Just be aware there are known "bad apples" and safety hazards on property. The problem is that "bad apples" continue to be allowed to play (endanger you) and safety concerns not addressed. Sad to say that with all these issues, the business continues to do well. There have been some teams that left and went to Longevity and I hear good things about it. So I'd give that a shot first if I were you.