Ok so the story starts here. So I have been working crazy hours lately for my job and I did not have time to stop in to the shop I have been going to for years for my oil change. Reason being I have recently moved farther away. Let's just say my car needed a oil change, so I stopped into this Jiffy Lube because you don't need a appointment. I called them on the way there and they gave me a quote for my car at 29.99 for my oil change I was like ok great that's good. The shop I usually go to it's only 19.99 but I'm fine with paying a little more for the convenience. So I get there and they pull my car back I told them who I talked to on the phone and the quote they gave me they said, "Ok no problem".........40 min later as they are just standing around my car one of the guys walks back in with a air filter in his hand and he tells me "So this is your air filter, it should be clear and white but see all this black on there that is all dust and dirt you need to get a new one so we will put a new one in there for you" I looked at him and I said ahhhh that's not my air filter he looks back at my car as it's the only one in the garage" and he assures me that it is my air filter. So I walked in to the garage and opened up where my air filter is and I told him this was my air filter! as the other 2 guys walk away and the one guy holding the air filter is mumbling over his own words because he just was caught in a lie he tells me oooo ya I mean this is what your air filter looks like. And it did not look like that at all. We walked to the front and I was so angry why they would lying to my face. Thank good they changed the oil already they pull it out to the front, I grabbed 35 bucks from my wallet and the guy told me it was now 75 dollars!!!! I was so angry i told him I was the one that called and you gave me the quote for my car at 29.99 he said well it's a sports car so they put different oil in it. After trying to take to this guy that's it he late 40s for 20 more minutes I told him at this point I did not even care it's the principle not the money I pulled up a coupon online for 20 dollars off lol hahahahaha. I payed 57 bucks after everything was said and done. What got me so angry was the fact that they lied to me 2 different times. Once about the price when I called and second when the guy brought me an air filter that did not even go to my car. I honestly feel so bad for the people they sucker in to there bait and hook scheme!!! If they did this to me they have to do this all the time to girls and older people!!! Seriously every one steer clear of this place lol pun intended. I'm never going back and if you are looking for a quick oil change you are honestly better going anywhere else then here. God I hate to say this but I would rather you go to a car dealership to get your oil changed hahhaa. If u go here..... good luck