WOMEN BEWARE!! I never write bad reviews however I came here because my brakes were squeaking. They said I need brake pads and rotors for $260. Was quoted an hour. 3 hours later (the parts needed to be dropped off from another location...) they said they didn't have the right rotors. Mind you, I have a screaming toddler with me and a middle schooler I couldn't pick up. But of course nobody calls me to tell me the delay as I am wondering around from lot to lot to kill time with my son. So they decided to give me a refund but assured me my rotors would be fine for the next year or two. Can you say WHAT THE HELL?? SO I WAITED THREE HOURS FOR A PART THAT I DIDN'T NEED FOR A YEAR OR TWO IN THE FIRST PLACE??? On top of that, there are signs everywhere saying if you spend his much, you save this much. I asked why didn't I get the $30 off since I spent over $200. They said, oh, well it's already included on the receipt. NOWHERE DID IT SAY I HAD A $30 DISCOUNT.
YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. TAKING FOOD OFF THE TABLE FOR MY KIDS AND WASTING MY WHOLE DAY. I use to religiously get my oil change here. The manager even offered me a free oil change. Hell no. Won't ever be back.