My girlfriend and I needed new brakes and rotors for our 2007 Mazda 6. I told her to take the vehicle to Brake Masters for the work to be completed.
After she brought the car home when the repairs where complete, I asked her how much they charged. $780. Yes, you read that correctly: for 4 new brake pads, rotors (apparently the old ones couldn't be machined which I don't believe) plus labor added up to almost $800.
That is insane. I called Brakes Plus afterwards just to torture myself by asking them how much they'd charge. Brakes Plus advised we'd be looking at around $400 for repairs.
Now I'm not advertising for Brake Masters competitors or anyone else--in fact, it'll be hell of a lot cheaper to just do the work yourself. However, DO NOT GO TO BRAKE MASTERS. THEY WILL OVER CHARGE YOU!