I'm torn. We initially loved to go to this place all the time because, seriously people, this BBQ is damn good. But the service!! What gives? I get you're busy. I get people will likely always eat at your restaurant because the food rocks (other than the beef rib & chicken) and you really couldn't have a better location, but that doesn't give you the right to treat your customers like we are annoying you. What kind of place gives a window for a reservation? A walk in (which you keep 1/2 the place open for), yes, you can tell them they have to be out by a certain time, but a reservation that I made a month ago that we were on time for? You give me attitude because we aren't ordering fast enough? Heaven forbid I should want to take my time and enjoy your food. And what else do I have to say to get a decent table? You give me the armpit of the restaurant right by the door when I told you 3 times (1x in writing, 2x on the phone) it was a 30th Bday dinner and you can see through your reservation system we are regulars? You think that might warrant a nicer table. But this is just coming from a person with 10+ years in restaurants, so what do I know about good customer experience.
I think we might be done with this place... Good riddance!