| - A veritable desert oasis!
I've skirted around here on several occasions. Once I stayed in the Saguaro Hotel for a few nights which backs up into the plaza, and I've eaten at several of the restaurants that spill out onto the green grass and sidewalk promenade. But recently I had a chance to walk around a little more and explore more of what the plaza has to offer.
I was one of many (and by many, I mean MAAAAAANY) groups on a weekend afternoon who was here to have some photos taken. If you decide to get some family shots done here, know that it appears that you are not the only one to have that idea. There are dozens and dozens of photographers roaming here--from those with a simple camera to those with a much more complex setup with lights and light umbrellas and all kinds of gear. There will probably be a line for that one special shot you were hoping to get. All said, though, the photographers seem to be civil and kind so you just have to be patient.
So what's to see here? You've got the restaurants, the hotel, the library, the performing arts center, the museum of contemporary art, outdoor public art sculptures, ponds, grassy hills, fountains, ducks, and a general sense of community. It's well taken care of, nicely manicured, and all around lovely. There are nooks and crannies, statues, and all kinds of little places to be explored.
There are free parking garages nearby and when the weather is nice (my last wandering was a beautiful October day) you can't beat an afternoon here. I'm guessing there are crowds sometimes, and I've seen others mention events going on. As an out-of-towner I don't really have a sense of that. But every time I've been (never in the heat of summer, admittedly) it's been perfect.