This was one of the worst experiences I have ever had overall. DON'T SEE DR. INDERRRAJ DHILLON!!!!! He was unprofessional, inappropriate and gave me a perscription for a medication I was allergic to. I had an appointment and was in severe pain. When I got to the office I was told that one of the Dentists called off and they couldn't take me. I told them I was in severe pain and had just made the appt. 2 hrs earlier, and asked why they didn't call me. As I was asking them to please see me because I couldn't get in anywhere else and I was in excruciating pain. DR. DHILLON THREW THE DOOR OPEN THAT WAS RIGHT OFF THE MAIN DESK AREA, STORMED OUT WITH A PLATE OF PIZZA IN HIS HANDS AND YELLED AS HE AGGRESSIVELY THREW THE PIZZA IN THE GARBAGE RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME "I WILL SEE YOU TODAY!! I'LL JUST FORGET ABOUT EATING......." He said other things but honestly I was so shocked I didn't even hear what else he was saying. Turns out it was the Dentist I was supposed to see!! I have never experienced such unprofessional behavior in my life!! I was going to leave because I was afraid of such a person treating me, but I was in such pain I decided to wait. After waiting an hour they were going to start with giving me a cleaning exam. The very nice and may I say professional Hygienist said she wouldn't put me through that since I already was in such excruciating pain. The worst part was after 2 minutes of seeing me "Dr." Dhillon, HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME ANYTHING FOR PAIN BECAUSE I WOULDN'T SIGN THE PAPER AGREEING TO PAY FOR ALL THE WORK HE RECOMMENDED. And the WORST PART was that after the staff talked to him about at least giving me an antibiotic HE GAVE ME THE ANTIBIOTIC I PUT ON THE INTAKE PAPERWORK THAT I WAS ALLERGIC TO. When I said I put on the paperwork I'm allergic to this antibiotic, he shredded the script and wrote me a different one. I LEFT WITH NO MEDICATION FOR MY EXCRUCIATING PAIN even though that was the only reason I stayed to see this unprofessional person. I would like to say that the front office staff was very nice and appeared to be embarrassed by his ridiculous and unprofessional behavior.