Saw about eight dead bees in my gas fireplace. Started worrying about a potential hive and honeycomb being up there, so looked for bee control company using Yelp. The BeeKeeper stood out with all glowing reviews. I was able to easily schedule an appointment that worked for me.
The time window I was given was 10 am to noon. James arrived shortly before 10 am. He is a very pleasant individual with extensive knowledge about bees and wildlife. He identified my bees as only one being a honeybee and the others some other kind, so not too worrisome. But I don't want bees of any kind, and then I saw wasps flying into my recessed lights on patio, so I asked to have house treated. For $165, James walked the roof looking for any bee activity, sprayed repellant at fireplace vent, and sprayed wasp killer and repellant in light fixtures. He even informed me of a small gash in my foam roof so I could get it repaired!
Peace of mind and newfound bee knowledge was definitely worth the price!