I was really hoping to get a good massage since they were not busy. The lady takes me back and doesn't give me any directions as to which room to go into so I'm standing there . finally in a rude manner she says for me to go into this room. I'm standing there thinking that they're going to close the curtain for me but everybody just vanishes. I'm standing there in a room waiting ... finally a woman comes in talking on her cell phone and motions for me to flip over on the table. I asked her are you going to be talking on your cell phone while you give this massage? She ignores me so I start to sit up. She motioned for me to get back down again I said no I'm not going to get a massage if you're going to be talking on a cell phone while giving me the massage. She hangs up the phone and proceeded to start giving me a massage. Her phone rings again she takes it. I finally stood up to put my clothes back on and as I was dressing she's just standing there. I asked her several times to leave the room while I was getting dressed. Another terrible massage experience in Las Vegas.