| - Aunties Karen and Sandy own and run this Las Vegas Jerkys shop. It's located inside the Las Vegas Club Hotel (head towards the back of the casino). They do a WONDERFUL job with customer service. Their products are excellent. What I like best about this place (besides the wonderful customer service) is that many of their products have recipes that are rooted from the Islands. That, coupled with the local friendly customer service, equals a WINNER!
There are literally 50-75 types of beef & pork jerkys to purchase here. There are also wonderful candies, cookies, chips, lup chong, chocolates, etc. to purchase here. I got so excited here, I literally spent $350 on goodies for my visiting relatives and items to bring back to Honolulu when I go back home.
Top of the list is the Islander Brand Lup Chong (Chinese Sausage). These are traditional Chinese sausages that were originally crafted in Honolulu, and produced in Los Angeles, CA. The owners purchased the rights to the recipe and produce the sausages for the store. These sausages are thick and a bit on the sweet side. Wonderful for fried rice, baked salmon with lup chong, or just eating along with steamed rice. OMGDELICIOUS! Get it! Grade: A+
Islander Brand Beef Jerkey is another favorite. Comes in plain, spicy, peppered, pork, and spicy pork. This is your traditional beef jerkey, but the flavors are out of this word. Grade: A-
Islander Brand Sweet Dried Pork. Aunty Karen calls this the jerky that taste like char siu. These pork slices are cured and dried, and actually taste like you are eating sweet char siu (Chinese red roast pork). The flavor is delicious, but the texture is a bit on the tough side. Delicious, nonetheless. Grade: B+
Karen's Bagel Chips. DELICIOUS!!! Aunty Karen makes bagel chips that come in a variety of flavors - cinnamon sugar, blueberry, cranberry, plain, etc. The most popular flavor is the cinnamon. The bagel chips come in a container and must be hand-carried if you are traveling. Fun to eat, flavorful, and crunchy! Grade: A
What I liked best about the store was that it was like shopping at home in Hawaii. Both Aunty Karen and Sandy were super helpful in helping me put my order together and to make suggestions on what to purchase. They were so much like family, they threw in a free apron and gave my family keiki toy cars when we were leaving! AMAZING! Mahalos, aunties!
Product Grade: A-
Service Grade: A+
Worth the money grade: A-
Overall Impression Grade: A!