Incredibly horrible process. While the people seem nice and professional, very low or i should say non existent attention to people waiting a long time. Using a paper and highlight system for checking in which was an absolute failure unless you complained, thry cared for allnpicking up leaving waiting to order customers waiting. all those folks seem to complain loudest were cared for. Not being one to complain us plus others overlooked until... guess what we complainen. , the doctors office inside the store seemed very good they knew what they were doing easy and friendly, the actualnoptical store way too many new people learning and trying to figure it out. No sign of a leader to help process along not sure of a manager is present but Saturday morning into afternoon by the time we were semi done seems incredibly unplanned. I would love to tell you how it ended but I'm still here....
Thank you for the response Nancy... wish i had better news but...Follow up from picking up my glasses that were ordered... I purchased two pairs... Walked in signed in and my jaw dropped when it literally happened again... Lady walked in after all the folks waiting, person at the front desk said hi what can we help you with.. picking up glasses... asked for last name and walked back to the pick up area to look for her glasses I was flooored so once again had to get up and complain, mark manager was very nice and tried to explain.. but guys at the end of the day is not the people it's your process and adherence to it... Take a moment inspect it measure it and I promise good reviews will come read the common theme on all the bad ones and it's when you're busy and your process fails I know you don't wake up in the morning thinking we are gonna make customers mad or get bad reviews. So review your proceses, brainstorm how to make them better and set goals on what you reviews in March are going to be and heck buy pizza if you achieve it but change nothing and customers will continue to give you the same feedback.