| - You're in a themed room and you need to solve the puzzle so you can get the door to open. What's the puzzle? The ROOM IS! Ready? GO!
Since my strategy for escaping could be best described as "Everybody panic and freak out!" I'm thankful for my incredibly level headed, quick thinking and just downright good looking team for keeping it together and keeping us from being stuck in the 80's forever.
Trivia, logic, lateral thinking, brain busters, maybe even your favourite TV show when you were a kid - anything you know could help you in this game.
"The Rec Room" is decked out from top to bottom with legitimate 80's items. I was impressed at their ability to pack a room with so much vintage paraphernalia, let alone link it all together into a totally unique and super creative strategy game.
Completely stuck? They're there to help you along and give subtle clues if you're in a really tight jam. What I like about this is don't let your team stand dumbfounded in the centre of the room waiting for the hour to end. They keep it fun and interesting, poking you in the right direction when you're on to something but still forcing you to solve the problems on your own. Well done!
A totally unusually and unique party or team building event.
If you ever tried this as a date night - I'd say there's a good chance you'll hit it off like crazy... but an even larger chance it will end in disaster! Good luck!
Huge thanks to Gabi M. for arranging this outing, and to Ayla, Jennie, Lindsey, Bella and Kelly for letting me escape the room with them!