When ever our family has time on there hands, one of our favorite places to go is Barnes and Noble. A family outing to Barnes and Noble usually means a pit stop in Starbucks for a hot tea and an hour or two of browsing endless topics in search of the few books that are worthy of coming home with us that particular visit.
First stop is Mom picks up about 10 books or magazines and the we head to the children section where I find a seat and my girls can politely pa ruse through the endless supply of children and Young reader books.
When my girls were younger they took advantage of the stage that is in kids section..I can't tell you how many "performances" my kids put on through the years. They also enjoyed many Kids story time and crafts every Saturday for the first 5 years of there life.
On a recent trip while checking out we had a great experience with Bob the cashier. After giving Bob my phone number...no he wasn't asking me on a date but was just looking up my membership number( I love that you don't have to carry one of those annoying discount cards),
he asked if we had heard of the new children's program ...Which I had not and then took the time to sign my kids up. He also noticed that I had no email listed on my club membership so he added that too. Bob also began to suggest a great business program that was free that I could apply for as well. In my opinion Bobs demeanor was one of an owner's.He took pride in his place of business and his clients.
I am saddened by the closing of Borders because I think books and reading are one of the greatest form of entertainment and education on the planet .What I consistently receive when I am at one of the many Barnes and Noble locations has been a pleasant user experience. For me Barnes and Noble isn't just a book store its a family tradition.