My boss was a witness to a crime (shoplifting - three women ran out of the store with tons of shoes; the store manager of that store ran after them; and they took off in a car). Two days later, one of the shoplifters was with two different women walking into a store next to the one they stole from two days prior; my boss recognized one of them as the offender. I encouraged her to call the police (I am a former police officer); I called the Scottsdale PD. The cops did show up, the first officer that came into our store to talk to my boss was very professional; not friendly, but professional. After contact was made with the woman that she identified, the police officer came back to our store with another police officer ... the second police officer was RUDE, made smart alec comments, and was not professional at all. It left a sour taste in her mouth, and said she will never participate in helping solve a crime as a witness due to this police officer's rude, demeaning behavior. As I have said before .... you want the public to feel good about the police? then the police have to show respect to the public. Enough said.