| - Great place for climbing, a lot of walls, great top roping, not as much bouldering but they change up the bouldering walls and routes a lot.
My only beef is it is approximately the same price to go to any of the rock gyms in the phoenix metro area. Memberships, day prices, multi day passes, all around the same. This has some rockin (pun intended) top ropes and lead climbing but not a lot of bouldering and the good bouldering area is restricted to members. Being a college student, membership isn't high on my possibilities list.
For the same price I'd much rather go to Climbmax, so much boulder area, biggest bouldering tunnel in AZ, really awesome variations on the walls and there layout, no members areas, great staff and what seems to me a bigger floor plan.
Or even try out Ape Index. It is out in Peoria but it has a very different layout of top roping and bouldering. 90 degree angles starting 5 feet up the wall then leveling out so you can practice your hardcore climbing and not have to be belayed or anything. They also have a tread wall. Super cool device I haven't seen at any of the other rock gyms. The design is a vertical treadmill with rocks on it, you can design what angle you wish to climb and the speed you with to climb. They REALLY know what they are doing, the owner, Amos Cox, built the place with his bear hands.
Like I said, PRG is a great place but the other locations have some great noise to offer.