this review has been a long-time coming & i apologize bcuz for all my blind peeps out there Lesco is just what you need!!!
First let me say that I have been going to Lesco (phoenix & tucson) for 10+ years....
Second & most important - frames are $29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello people!!! $29!!! way cheaper than your eye doctor - forget crappy walmart and other discount stores - head to LESCO.
they have a lot of frames (knock-offs & super trendy) & sunglasses too (i think sunglasses are a bit more, but i cant remember) it is $10 more for bi-focals....
and apparently if you are really blind like my sis-in-law then there is an extra charge for supper thick coke bottle lenses, only $10 i think.
So here are the insurance accepted just $29, no tax either its just $29, they dont do eye exams so you have to have a prescription (but they will call your dr if you dont have it with you), the service is always amazing & they will adjust your glasses for free as many times as you need (did i mention im clumsy?)
Best part - you can bring your fave sunglasses and they will put in prescription lenses for you also!! (i had them do it on a pair of armanis for me = gorgeous & functional!!!)
so bottom line - im a diva on a budget (ok except the jimmy choo's...) and thats why i love Lesco - you will too!!