I love La Cave. But then I don't. I'm so torn!
I really like the atmosphere, the beer and the overall goal here. It's cozy, friendly and the variety is appreciated as well as the sight of a giant beer cooler from which you can pick your poison. The problem is that the crowd and service can be varied and that makes me hesitant to return.
Sometimes there are:
-irritating hipsters making out and eyeballing your date when they come up for air
-calm and reserved groups of people sipping wine
-young boozy guys and gals with too much money to spend on the strongest and most pretentious of selections
-people just looking to have a drink and relax with a snack
I've found myself waiting for service (a bottle opener, since you're not supposed to open your own here) on a few occasions. Perhaps I didn't look like I REALLY wanted to sip the beer? We did have to ask for a drink list once--I appreciate being shown my options, especially when I'm not a regular somewhere.
Another issue is the noise level. On those crazy nights, the place has the absolute worst acoustics. I couldn't make out a thing anyone was saying. Heck, I wasn't even sure what I was saying.
Overall, it's unique and that's what's winning here. Otherwise, there could be some improvements and I'd be here more often.