This place has been getting on my nerves recently, so I can no longer call myself "a fan." A list of recent gripes:
1. Waiting thirty (30) minutes for an order as the sole working employee plodded through a few orders. Mid afternoon is no time to be working solo. Half an order for fast food is INSANITY.
2. Getting a mere Odwalla here is a hassle. Two nested tales of woe:
a) On one visit I was bluntly told "no, we don't have any" in the tone you would address a six-year-old that is repeatedly asking for cookies. When I got to the other side of the counter to pick up my order, I saw a bunch in the other fridge. I didn't say anything, not wanting to prolong my customer service experience here.
b) The second time I was told they were out of Odwalla (today, albeit more politely), I *did* say something when I got to the other side of the counter and noticed a fridge full of bottles. (Unopened packages even. Like, I can't even believe that I am even talking about this right now. Anyway.) The response was not a friendly offer to ring one up for me, but a "nobody told me" coupled with a shrug. Dude, *I* told you. Can someone get me a flipping Odwalla? Please?
3. Soft tacos are not to be ordered.
I'm still liking the vegan plate which is a lot of food for $10 and comes with killer corn chips, but I'll send my butler to pick up instead.