Shame on you KFC/Taco Bell !!
We buy gift cards to local restaurants for our kids as gifts to use when they are out an about with their friends. Tonight, our 15 year old and several of his friends went to Taco Bell. He presented his Taco Bell gift card and was told that it could not be accepted because our KFC/Taco Bell isn't a Taco Bell and the register won't allow it to be used. Imagine being that 15 year old boy, imagine the embarrassment and discomfort that he felt. He has no money, just this card.
KFC and Taco Bell are owned by the same parent company, and with today's technology, this cannot be a difficult thing to figure out. Therefore, I am left to believe that this is a deliberate attempt to use a narrow loophole to avoid having to accept a gift card as payment expecting that they can then get payment by another means. Not so easy to assume when the customer is a child. Shame on you KFC/Taco Bell.