Me and my baby were kicked out of the backyard today for about an hour, so I decided to try out a nearby dog park that I heard about from Ryan C. You can't access this place from Union Hills though due to the construction. The best way to get there is via Utopia and 59th Ave, like you're going onto the Midwestern campus.
There's two sides to the park currently, both are off leash zones, one is located to west of the ball park and a much larger one to the east, which is separated into lil' dog and big dog territory.
Today, Ma and I spent most of our time on the west side, but then took a short trip to the other side just to be nosy. I was surprised at how deserted it was out there today 5pm really wasn't all that hot out there, especially with the benches in the shade. But I guess it was a good thing there was no one out there because I was reciting muscle and muscle movements out loud while Alice-ma rolled about in the grass. A&P is my life right now what can I say...You know you would look at me funny if I was saying "Pectoralis Minor protracts the scapula" while moving my shoulders in an odd manner.
Next time I will remember to take Alice out her own water dish, because she wanted to be a snob and not drink from the dishes and buckets already out there on the eastern side. She didn't learn that behavior from me.