My husband and I were looking for a painting company and after checking out BBB, Licenses, Insurance coverage, we brought in three companies to give us an estimate.
After the estimates we checked yelp and decided to go with McMillan & McMillan. This is a company which has been family owned for three generations.
And are we happy we did. We knew what to expect since we have had our homes painted over the years. David told us they would come in a week before the painting and power wash the house, then come prep it, and then paint. He told us they would protect our walks and driveway with plastic. My face boards on the house were in need of some work, they would take care of it. My back wall needed to be painted, they did it. And through out the whole process, David kept us informed with the schedule.
This is a great company and they do what they say they are going to do. My house looked like a skeleton with all the hair line cracks that were fixed. But now its great. Thank you for doing such a great job. A real professional company.