I came here today for a routine procedure. The parking garage was a little complicated. The sign pointed towards outpatient surgery parking and when driving up to get in, a key code was required. Luckily a woman told us to enter off a side street and turn into garage where a ticket is punched out to you.
When checking into the surgery center, the woman at the front desk was very friendly, cheery and helpful. After being called back, Pam, my nurse, was really sweet. She comforted me easily by chatting about all kinds of stuff. I told her I haven't been put under anesthesia since I was in high school! I'm also a fainter and terrified of needles! She was very gentle and after an attempt of placing the IV on my hand with no luck, she got it near my elbow with nearly no pain.
The anesthesia doctor and assistant were kind and easy going. The doctor performing the procedure and her tech were great. I never felt uncomfortable or ignored.
One, two, three and I was OUT! No memory of anything. Leaving was easy and everyone working that I came in contact with bid me farewell. Lol
All in all a pleasant experience.