I called ahead to find out the deal for getting into the bar on a Saturday night over Memorial Day Weekend and they gave me he impression it would be crazy and they were expecting a "big weekend." I am sure all the Scottsdale residents WERE expected a big weekend-in Vegas! As we walked from Bourbon Steak to Stone Rose, you could have heard crickets chirp. The crowd was about 25 people and they were all sitting at the bar. The loungers and outside perimeter was completely empty. We sat on a lounger for about 5 minutes before going up to get our own drink. Later I did see a cocktail waitress go over to one table, look in our direction and completely ignore us.
I like low lighting, but the lounge area was really dark. So much so, that I spilled red wine in my new Michael Kors dress and I still don't know how. Im taking a star off for terrible service and the fact that my dress is still at the cleaners a month after my return to KC :(.
I get the feeling Randy has had his day and it was somewhere in the 1990's.