| - Let me preface this by saying that I love Chipotle. I eat all the time at my local Chipotle and usually find that my qualms related to Chipotle are due to some particular locations. This location is one of them.
So at my local Chipotle, I always order via the app, especially when I'm in a time crunch. It's meant to be convenient. Just walk up to the cashier, grab my order (since it's prepaid on the app), and I'm done and out. First thing I noticed when I walked up to the cashier at this particular location is that she saw me, but she ignored me. Look, I understand it was busy, but even at the busiest locations you ask someone who bypasses the line what they want, because more often than not, it's just to pick up an order. It took until someone else working there nudged her, looked at me, asked if she helped me, until she asked if I needed anything. Lo and behold, it took about 3 seconds for another worker to come out with my bag. I didn't even need a receipt. I don't even care if you look at me that much while making the exchange, I just want my food.
Once I did have my food however, it was COLD. It was literally a 5 minute drive from Chipotle to my friend's house and once I touched my food, it was absolutely, devastatingly COLD. I ordered at 11:09 AM for soonest available pickup at 11:30AM. I got to Chipotle at 11:29AM, and subsequently my friend's house at 11:35 (accounting for the fact I was first ignored by the cashier). The point of choosing a pickup time is so that I know it's nice and at least warm, and ready to eat when I get it. NOPE, not at this location. I have honestly never picked up a Chipotle order so cold when I've used the app.
Now let's talk about the contents of the food. Can you say skimpy on the toppings?! My chicken bowl looked like it was 3 quarters of the way full. And loaded with beans, barely rice, and definitely barely chicken. My boyfriend's 2 chicken tacos in his opinion did not satisfy his Chipotle craving and was not fulfilling. I understand that this may not be the staff's fault, but the trainer of the staff for this Chipotle location. Trust me. There has been a Chipotle location close to me that used to have the same problem that finally got resolved after so many people complained.
I went to Chipotle to eat something fulfilling, fast, and familiar, but I have been a Chipotle aficionado for years and this is just one of those locations that needs some (heavy) tweaking. Nothing against the food, but definitely avoiding this location until they get some things straightened out.