Vietnamese is my all time favorite kind of food. And Ive enjoyed it at almost every place where it is offered... besides this place. If you decide to go here expect any sort of experience or uniqueness. And while this restaurant wasn't dirty in the seating area, the extremely cheap attitude towards the customer and product caused me to second guess the way they take care in the kitchen. the atmosphere was very desolate. It's definitely a place for people to get food quickly if they don't want to travel too far from their neighborhood. Every other place that carries these specific dishes, does it better in every possible way. The meat was literally all fat. I LITERALLY HAD HUGE GREY GLOBS OF PURE FAT FLOATING IN MY DISH. ....this place could be enjoyed I must say, but only by a palette of a pig or dog. The woman behind the counter was sly in her comments when I asked about my dish. As if I wouldn't understand she was being sarcastic and rude. When I asked my friend if her being unbelievably rude just really happened, he looked in disbelief and nodded his head. TRAVEL THE EXTRA FIVE MILES, THIS PLACES ENTIRE PRESENTATION ISN'T WORTH YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.