I'm unhappy with CenturyLink right now. We are getting ready to move to another state, so I called them up to give notice of our change of address and to discontinue service on Dec 28th. Today is the 19th of Dec. We've been packing for days and we're VERY tired. Tonight we just wanted to stop packing at a decent hour sit down to rest and enjoy a little television only to find we have no service 9 days BEFORE the cut off date asked for. I called CenturyLink to verify and, yes, we are disconnected. The service rep said he does show the 28th but, whatever department it is, decided on their own to cut the service early even though the date was on the service order. There wasn't anything he could do about it and that was that. Ok, when we get our final bill it better show the correct date and not the 28th as an overcharge. It's the principle that matters.