I purchased my phone October 2009 and have been completely frustrated since. It took me over 6 months and countless emails, faxes and phone calls to collect my rebate. Then my first phone was swapped out several times because it did not work correctly! Then one week before our vacation oversees, I was informed that the phone sold to me was not GSM compatible and would not work in Europe. The person who sold me the phone lied to me in order to get me to purchase a more expensive phone that was of no use to me while traveling abroad. So, then I had to pay even more money to get a GSM compatible phone in time for my travels to Europe. Then while in Europe my phone was not able to text, so I spent countless hours and days trying to work with tech support who was unable to help me. When I came home I had a bill for several hundered dollars because I was forced to make calls instead of text. Since then, my new HTC Pro 2 has been swapped out and I continue to spent a rediculous amount of time at this store trying to get some part of my phone to work properly.. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH SPRINT!!!!