| - Jayzis, this place.
What a waster.
Found myself pleasantly buzzed on Fremont Street, watching its famous light show above when a hunger came on.
Approached a few police officers and asked if there was a place to get a decent slice in the area.
They said sure, Piccadilly's down the block.
Now I don't know if this is the ONLY place to get a slice in the area or if they actually think it's good...(or perhaps, they just like to mess with tourists).
Walked up to the counter, saw they had a display case full of pies with slices ready to go and behind said case were a couple of ovens.
So what did I expect?
Not unlike every other pizza joint that's set up the same way, I expected to order the slice, they throw it in the oven for a few minutes to heat and crisp it up, I eat the slice.
Didn't quite go that way.
Instead, I ordered the slice, they took it out of the display case, put it on a paper plate, and handed it to me.
This sorry, luke-warm, excuse barely retained the properties to accurately be called pizza.
It was a decently sized slice, I'll give'em that.
It was when I folded it in half to make a bite more manageable that I realized just how shite it was.
This thing coulda been rolled up into a cannoli it was so flimsy.
I wager I could have went to Walgreens, purchased a frozen Tony's pizza, slapped that sucker on Las Vegas Blvd for a few hours and let the sun bake it and it would have been a better option.
Even drunk, would not recommend.