Protip- Make a reservation for bunch if you want a table, or be prepared to park-it at the bar to avoid the wait. Rookie mistake. This place was hoppin on a Sunday morning.
Madisonians love their brunch and Eldorado delivers.
I'm a huge fan of eggs and tex-mex, so this really did it for me. Also, by sitting at the bar, we made some friends that bought us a round of drinks. Good vibes at the Grill.
I would totally come back! This place was fun and had good food. Checks all the boxes.
What I tried:
Chilaquiles con Huevos- This is one of my favorite dishes and I like to order it everywhere it's available so I can compare. These rank very high in my book, about on par with Everly. I'm pretty sure that chilaquiles are traditionally what you do with leftover tortillas. Like a true Millennial, I'll pay a premium for leftovers I didn't have to prepare myself. Yum!
Southern Grits and Eggs- Oh these were good. The grits were so creamy and I love an over easy egg. I think you can appropriately use the word unctuous to describe this dish. Highly recommend.
Happy brunching to you!