| - It was another beautiful day and we were on the hunt for a decent, uncovered patio. (It's actually pretty shocking how many patios cover up most of their seating with umbrellas and the like; if it's a sunny day, I want that sun hitting my face.)
Anyway, we wound up at the Duke of Kent's cozy patio. Aside from sharing a tasty sangria, we also decided to sample three of the offerings from their Basket Bites menu: Deep-Fried Pepperoni, Popcorn Shrimp, and Curry Basket.
I was especially intrigued by the Deep-Fried Pepperoni for obvious reasons. And impressively enough, it did not disappoint one bit. The flavorful, spicy pepperoni's been cut into discs and deep fried, which ensures that each bite packs a crunchiness that's nothing short of irresistible. The accompanying honey-mustard sauce was tasty, too.
The Popcorn Shrimp was a little by-the-numbers in its execution, while the Curry Basket is pretty decent yet lacking in the bold flavors one might've anticipated.
Still, the most excellent patio ensures that I'll be returning often.