| - So it's official - there are no redeeming qualities about Marlborough Mall, or anything that is connected to it. Only two words come to mind: Gong Show - and it's not even remotely in the good way.
From my review of the mall itself, you know darn well that I wouldn't voluntarily go to this Walmart. It's far too close to the mall that gives me goosebumps. BUT alas, it was the company I was keeping and they required a pit stop at a Walmart, and low and behold the ONLY one in the vicinity was the one attached to Marlborough Mall. Go figure.
First of all, it was an absolute zoo. Kids screaming, people halting to a stop mid-aisle, and lines so long they wound in and out of the merchandise racks. Yes they had all the great walmart goods at ridiculously cheap prices, but that was completely tainted by the crowd and the atmosphere. I'm even positive I saw a couple people roaming around in their sweats & crocs...not to hate...but C'MON!
I get that it was Saturday afternoon. I get that it had just starting snowing and the mass population inside the Walmart served as body heat. What I did not get however was how people lose their common sense, sense of direction and sense of shopping protocol the minute they pass through the doors of this particular Walmart.
After dodging deserted carts, kids running loose and families conversing mid-aisle, we finally got to the line. After waiting 20 minutes to be served, our cashier not-so-subtly dumped all our goods carelessly in random bags and even completely squished the loaf of bread we had picked up. Finally, when we went to pay her, she just stared at the money with a blank look on her face. I actually said to her "Uh...that's the money we're paying for all this with..." And she was like "OHHHH!" Did she think it was her tip???
All in all, a very infuriating experience. I wont be back, and hopefully I've saved you the trip to hell.