Over the years, i have popped in about a 1/2 dzn times. I keep thinking that somehow it may change, for the better, but that never happens.
Never once have i been made to feel very welcomed.
Wines by the retail bottle are over-priced by 20-40% more than what I purchace them for at Phoenix Wines.
It's too bad they have such expensive wines by the glass and th 'cheese plate' is Ridiculously priced - you can pick out your cheese from the fridge. (I think a chunk of cheese and some crackers were $17 last time).
It's a shame because they have a GR8 location & a nice cozy outdoor patio, but I just can't find myself relaxed nor able to enjoy myself when I get fleeced or find it not worth paying these price, esp. when for MUCH less I can go to a hundred other lounges or resorts or up-scale bars for much better service & atmosphere.
Sorry guys,but I really did try you - again & again - always to no avail :-(