I came here for the first time ever today to pick up a couple of cake pops as a surprise for my sweet pea. While they had lots of cupcakes to choose from (no flavors really caught my eye), there were only four choices of cake pops. One was mint, which I don't care for in deserts, and the others were brownie, cotton candy and a coconut which I got for myself.
All the cake pops had very thin coatings which cracked and flaked off before I even got them home. The coconut had a nice moist center, very sweet (but that's the nature of a cake pop) and a sprinkling of coconut on the outside. The brownie was gummy and overly dense and the cotton candy flavor was just disgusting.
Though Mind Over Batter is close by, I don't think we'll be trying them again. Our search for a good cake pop continues.