I generally dont use anything but the self-serve machine at post offices anymore. It is quicker for me than waiting in line.
With that said, I did go in December and had o go in the line due to shipping something internationally. I had the Customs Forms filled out and ready to go. I felt like, yeah I was on the ball and wouldn't be that guy holding up the long Christmas line at the window. Wrong. I was that guy. The clerk told me that I had the wrong form and had me fill it out. Then as soon as I was done, she was like, why don't you just use a different envelope and save yourself a lot of money, and we can use your original form?
Really? Why did we just figure this out? For granted she saved me a lot of money but I'm pretty sure she knew which one was going to be cheaper (one was Priority while the other was just a brown envelope) just by looking. I do appreciate the savings but it could have been more efficient.
Also, there was some discrepancy between the clerks on breaks. I guess someone was sent to break and the other person didn't agree. Anyways, instead of just letting the issue go and discussing it elsewhere and at another time they kind of fought about it RIGHT there for the entire time I was at the counter. Not professional. C'mon ladies.