In 2009 I consigned a $10,000 dollar bedroom set to Terri's Consign & Design. A few day's later after picking it up from my house she sold it for $3,000 and sent me a letter saying she had sold it. The next day I went into her store to get my 1/2 of the $3,000 and the clerk said, "you obviously didn't read the fine print "on the back of your contract" - we don't have to pay you for 6 months after we sell your item". I was VERY MAD to say the least. Three (3) day's before my 6 months waiting period was up, she filed bankruptcy, and never paid me a dime. Since then she has opened a "new store" across from Chandler Mal with a slightly different name called "Terri's Consign & Design Furnishings - 3452 West Chandler Blvd. t's business as usual for this CON WOMAN !!