After spending the weekend in the east coast, my boyfriend and I were aching for some steak. We were going to try a different steak house but shied away because we wanted it done right; no trial runs. You can't go wrong with The Keg. Expectations are always met.
We were situated on the patio behind a glass window waterfall. In all my Keg experiences, this was unique to this location. It's amazing how many people touch the window, myself included. As we enjoyed our meal, there must have been about 5 people walk by just to put their hands on the glass to touch the water.
Our server was very friendly and kind. She engaged in conversation and genuinely seemed interested in our recent vacation.
Food was perfection, as always.
The only thing I can think of that was a negative was the number of wasps on the patio. I totally get this is beyond the Keg and more of a nature thing... and the fact that I had wine didn't help the situation. They would be attracted to the food, fly into the water wall and hang out until they dried off. It kept me on my toes, that's for sure.