| - Hi, my name is Alicia and I have a migraine. In fact, I've had one for 7 straight days. My wonderful doctor just wrote me two prescriptions so I can kick the pain in the pants. Groovy. Prescription Drop-Off = No problem. 15 minute wait? I can swing that. What's another tick, tick, tick of the clock as my head throb, throb, throbs.
I mosey around the aisles. Nice. Latex gloves on sale - 3 boxes for $10. Oh, look, espresso chocolate.
Tick, tick, tick.
45 minutes later without my name called over the loudspeaker (bummer), I head to the Pick-Up. I'm anxious for my meds. It's been a long day anyway, and this is the final stop. Or so I thought.
I take a seat and stare at the floor. After all, the overhead lights hurt my eyes. I glance up and the pharmacist smiles at me. That's pleasant. I continue to wait.
"What's the name?" I answer her.
That's when I hear they have 3/4 of my prescription ready but that one drug (my drug of choice to tackle the migraine) is out of stock. Would it be okay if I waited until Monday?
My mind flashes back to another Walgreens on another day when I'm waiting - in agony, mind you, after oral surgery. I want my narcotics like the children of rock wanted their MTV. I was told they were out, and I'd have to wait... or take my carcass to another pharmacy. I opted for the latter, for the claw marks in my palms were evidence enough that I couldn't stomach this pain any longer.
So, needless to say, when I was told by this particular Walgreens that they were out of my gonna-make-your-boo boo-all-better meds, I had an emotional hiccup. WHAT?
Count up the minutes. One hour in this stinkin' Walgreens and I'm really no better off than when my peds walked through the front door. Double ugh. Why couldn't they have called my name over the loudspeaker like they said they would? Then I wouldn't have waited in vain.
Stupid pharmacy. I want my drugs!