So I went to YoYo at Arizona mills today, and I saw that they had Boba. I'm a huge fan of Boba and think it's fun and delicious.
So I order some from the counter and have some. It was frothy, bland and the Boba was half decent. Now, I've had my fair share of Boba, both from Asian food markets where they hardly speak English and at local joints. I've also had Chai tea from the same places. But this kind was awful.
Then I walk up to three Indian men who claim to be the managers/owners and ask them if I could just replace the tea with a small yogurt and that I didn't like it. This man I kid you not looks at me and tells me. "That s the way it is made" So I ask him "So that's it then, that's the way it is?" He said yes so I tell him "Then I won't be coming back." and the man has the nerve to say okay and let me walk off. No apology, no coupon or offer to replace the drink. Safe to say he'll be losing out on 50 dollars this year just because he didn't want to make me happy over a measly two.