Unfortunately this hotel is everything my fellow one-star slinging Yelpers said it was. Upon checking in, you are immediately given a sales pitch on why you should upgrade from the West Wing to another room. Not a good sign. We decided the MGM wouldn't sell/book any truly awful rooms...right? Wrong. As other Yelpers have said (and thank you to those folks for comedic relief last night), the West Wing:
-looks like a college dorm. You expect to see doors open and little dry erase boards on everyone's doors.
-smells of marijuana and urine.
-has incredibly stained carpet (like chalk outlines were probably around them at one point).
Our room is hot, and the bathroom looks like the showers at a gym. There's a mildewed bench in the walk-in shower, along with a mildewed curtain. Hot room+no ventilation=breeding ground for mold.
I tried to get some help last night via a DM to the Twitter account for the hotel, and...nothing. This morning I spoke to someone at the front desk. She said the West Wing is awful, and this hotel can't ever get 5, let alone 4, starts because of it. She also told me that I should be happy because people from Ukraine come here after working and saving for years, and are thrilled with their West Wing rooms. While I appreciate her attempt at #perspective and #realtalk, I am not living in Ukraine. These rooms are disgusting and MGM should be ashamed.