| - I feel pretty swanky when I happen to stop here and shop. Not that it's snooty or anything, but they just carry EVERYTHING. I can walk out with new patio furniture, my Rx filled, storage bins, organic oatmeal, various gourmet olives picked by yours truly at the olive bar, sashimi (don't get your hopes up here, it's pricey and not that great), fresh-cut tulips, and plastic air mattress to float on when it's warm again.
Before you think I have the weirdest/most random grocery list ever, I listed these items to illustrate the wide array of stuff you can tender there. The store (just square footage-wise) is large. It would probably annoy the person who "just needs to run in for (insert item here)" without knowing the geography of the store, or if they were in a hurry. Reserve this store for times when you're just so bored (and a little hungry) you don't even know what to do w/yourself. And don't have anything planned either and can truly afford to stroll the store at your leisure.
Feeling anti-social and don't feel like facing a live human Cashier? No prob, find a self-check out kiosk and do it yerself.