If it's not divey enough to be a real dive then everything that WOULD BE charming about a dive just becomes nasty or stupid or annoying. Combine that with all the worst traits of a 'nite-club' style bar and we find Metro Sportz Bar.
A place that has an appearance as decently presentable as this is simply not allowed to pull the crap of "CASH ONLY" and then point you to their privately owned and highly fee'd ATM against the wall. And trying to be that cheap-ass while selling mAcrobrews at mAcro prices!
Seemingly serious bouncer presence checking ID's and such, and yet when a tweaker walks in wearing pajamas and carrying a chihuahua, security dude's too lazy to get up from his stool and plate of fruit to do anything about it, but he did make sure to verbally complain about it to anyone in earshot, from the time puppyTweaker showed up until about 5 minutes after he was long gone.
I think I'll end up back in here eventually, and then I'll know if another server crew might bring more of the friendly neighborhood divey feel this place wishes it had.
In the meantime I've got plenty of other places to play free chip-tourney poker.