It pains me to write this review but I am so at the end of my frayed rope with you. I've almost nearly had it all together and I've voiced my concerns on many occasions and I'm all out of ideas.
Your group exercise program is flawed and needs to be re engineered. You pride yourself as being a volunteer center but you have no volunteers to instruct the classes. Scheduled classes that go cancelled once you have a packed (up to 40 members) workout room. Unacceptable and has unfortunately become the norm. I pay my monthly fee specifically for these options but I am finding myself paying additional out of pocket costs to pay another facility. This is my choice but I've done this with hopes that the program will make a come back. It's been a cruel summer and I'm going to take this weekend to do some much needed thinking about alternate options.
I commend the loyal volunteer instructors who have stayed committed to their schedules and students. I'm going to venture that if you modify your program by paying out an instructor fee (like every other center) then you would have instructors fighting for time slots. I look forward to updating this review with a higher rating once the program improves, if I stick around.