This taqueria is by far my favorite in town.
Although the style and decor obviously screams owners are from Sonora, this style taco is the one I grew up with in Sinaloa.
Typical tacos as I know them come with a sprinkle of finely diced cabbage and your choice of tomato sauce or hot sauce.
Their tacos are really delicious, the tortilla selection of corn or flour and the delicious way theyve been warmed in fat from the same meat is heavenly.
Their guacamole is none of that americanized mixed with pico de gallo. It's plain avocado and lightly seasoned to taste.
Dont forget to ask for the side of cebolla asada (roasted onion) and add it to your taco.
My favorite item to order from here are Papanchas.
Which is basically mashed potato made in heaven, with meat on top plus cheese and cabbage and your choice of tomato sauce or chile. Accompanied of your choice of flour or corn tortilla. I dont remember ever seeing Papanchas in Sinaloa, so it's either this restaurants delicious creation or it comes from Sonora. Whoever's idea it was, it was a godsend.
Their breakfasts are also delicious. We made an order of their huevo con jamon (eggs with ham) with a side or refried beans and it was a big order enough to feed two hungry four year olds.
Only downside is that they take only cash.
Still, it won't deter us from calling back again and again :)