| - First off, I am a guy. Pedicures are the one thing my exwife taught me that stuck. Average pedi is about $18 with callus removal add $5 more bucks. This place was a tad more expensive $21 and $5. They however also offered facials and I wanted to get one of those, $35 for the mid level one and I got a terrible 10 min mani for $10.
I saw Jennifer who was very nice, however other than the callus removal I felt everything was lack luster. The massage and lotion for my feet was very light. all in about 35 mins for my pedi. Rating 5 out of 10.
Mani, was a few clips, soak and a 3 min massage. No buffing and my nails look uneven. A friend even said she could not tell I just had a mani. 2 out of 10.
Facial, I cancelled about half way into it. The flimsy table was in a back room. I laid down and she slammed some cold crap on my face to start and then put on a hot steamer above my face, if felt as if I was suffocating, no lie. Then washed it off and started extractions that frickin hurt and I have good skin. The table was so uncomfortable she suggested to move to a spa chair. We did and she slapped on a cold mask, 5 mins later I told her I had enough. 1 out of 10.
So all in, I am at $73, and kinda bummed, but still tipped her $7 bucks.
I wanted to like this place but the overall experience was a 2 out of 10 :(.
Now this goes for all nail places, why do mens pedi and mani's cost the same? We don't get nail polish which takes an additional 10-20 mins?