Electrolytes are important when one is in Las Vegas. All that boozing and partying will zap the essential vitamins and minerals from your body. The arepas that this joint makes will have lots of electrolytes because they are overloaded with salt; and it looks like the heavy salt hand was not a one time incident as other fellow Yelpers also mention the non phenomenon.
Arepa was extra doughy on the inside and not in a good way. Cooking a proper arepa takes a very long time, 15-20 minutes. I prefer my arepas to be fully cooked, through and through.
Bummed that these Arepas were inedible. The smokey flavor of the mesquite wood on the meat was awesome and I could still taste the subtleties of the smoke flavor behind the heavy mask of the salt.
Possibly excellent food is ruined by sloppy execution