Obviously your integrity is on a par with your professionalism and your level of compassion. I am neither hard of hearing or inclined to misunderstand clear statements. Your lack of accountability and responsibility are things I find frightening in someone who plays a large part in a patients overall health.
While I have nothing to gain and thus no reason to lie about this, you do, as your conduct was very unprofessional. And your dental assistant I'm quite certain wishes to keep his job. I just hope that this might make you reconsider the way you treat your patients in the future
If you have amalgam fillings please! Find a DDS who is knowledgeable about amalgam mercury poisoning.
THIS DDS DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH OR HER PROFESSIONALISM. ONLY THE MONEY! To ask me why I want amalgam removal. And to ask me if I want to look pretty? Even my OBGYN recognized and has working knowledge of what amalgam fillings do to the body! Amalgam is a slow killer!
I advise you to educate yourself and others. Watch the videos.
Smoking teeth short version:
Smoking teeth full version:
Visual demonstration of toxic mercury vapors generated during amalgam filling removal
Evidence of Harm: Mercury Dental Fillings Destroy Health - Trailer 02
Mercury Dental Fillings Are a Biochemical Train Wreck - 1 hour
Here are a few links for reading:
Mercury (II) alters mitochondrial activity of monocytes at sublethal doses via oxidative stress mechanisms
Mercury toxicity and neurodegenerative effects.
Mercury and methylmercury induce mitochondrial dysfunction, which reduces ATP synthesis and increases lipid, protein and DNA peroxidation.
*Infertility, Birth Defects Related to Mercury from Amalgam Dental Fillings
Mechanisms of Mercury Leakage from Amalgam fillings and Levels of Exposure
*Effects of Mercury Exposure on Fertility and Fetal Development
Mercury (especially mercury vapor or organic mercury) rapidly crosses the blood brain barrier and is stored preferentially in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and occipital cortex in direct proportion to the number and extent of dental amalgam surfaces, and likewise rapidly crosses the placenta and accumulates in the fetal brain and hormonal glands at levels commonly higher than the level in the mother. Thus mercury has a greater effect on the functions of these areas. Mercury exposures from the various sources have been found to be cumulative and synergistic along with exposures to other toxic metals.
Chronic Mercury Poisoning: Symptoms & Diseases
Illness from mercury fillings
Using the Urinary Porphyrin Profile in Mercury Detox
Urinary Porphyrin Profile: A Quantitative and Qualitative Laboratory Indicator of Mercury Toxicity