I'm not sure who is putting up these "awesome reviews" but they obviously were encouraged to or WHO KNOWS. I had been here on more than one occasion for the same problem and was very disappointed both times. The first time I came here I was quickly scanned over and rushed out, I can't remember who the doctor was but she was middle aged and of possibly Hispanic descent. Her exact words as I was asking questions were "okay well I have other clients so we're going to have to finish up." I was pretty embarassed especially since I had waited SO long for her and had only spent about 5 MINUTES talking to her. She prescribed me a medication without explaining any side effects and I was repeatedly sick so I was forced to stop. NEXT visit I had only come back because this office is close to my house and I was on a strict schedule for work. I came in, and they had me fill out the SAME paperwork again because of some new company, I have no idea. They rushed me from the lobby to a room, back to the lobby, and back to the room again. I had my purse on Dr. D.'s desk as I situated myself and she told me to get my purse off of her desk as she swept in. *YEE-OUCH*, who put the kitty litter in her granola?? Dr. D came in with a student who looked me over instead of her. Dr. D never looked at me, never shook my hand and just told me I had an infection and she sent CVS a prescription for me....then she left. True story. She never told me side effects either OR whether it was okay to take it with another minor prescription I had. Yelp, you really let me down on this one. I'm new to the area and just needed a doctor for my problem. Dr. might want to retire.
P.S. You can't even call the office and speak with someone, you have to ALWAYS go through a call center and the office calls you back? Is that new? Because it's terrible. PLEASE DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!