| - Okay so throughout my life, my mother has made it quite clear to my sisters and I that making time for spa treatments is ESSENTIAL. That being said, a few times a year, my sisters and my mother and I head to the spa. One aspect of spa-ing that I never really enjoy, is the fact that I have to deal with overly chipper receptionists/spa employees that want to "make my experience just perfect".
After many spa experiences, I realized that I have never actually gone in and had a massage. Facials, wraps, etc. yes, but never a massage. How is it that I skipped the classic? Well, as luck would have it, I met John. I was quickly informed by multiple sources that this man is a massage guru. A friend even went as far to say that if I ever want to get a massage, it should most definately be from him. Alas, I had to give it a whirl.
In December 2009, I made my first visit. When I came to s p a c e I was immediately pleased by many things. First and foremost: no overly chipper receptionist! John invited me in and engaged in massage talk with me, taking a small and necessary history. After that he led me over to the studio. It's beautiful. Its absolutely beautiful. The lighting, the colors, the scent...the whole situation just works. John inquired about any personal tweaks needed, and then left to allow me to get comfortable.
Get comfortable I did! I tend to be cold and mildly anxious most of the time, but this was not the case at s p a c e. The massage table is heated. Yes. Heated. And quite cushy :). John came back to the room, and this is the part that I liked best: no more talking. Just the music, the scent, and me feeling quite fantastic. I think I fell asleep, just for a second, which is rare because I typically dont relax that easily. I could tell John knew what he was doing, because he didnt need to ask me questions. It's like he read the way my body reacted to specific movements and acted accordingly.
When it was time to come back to reality, John let me know very gently. So much so, actually, that even while I was dressing and preparing to leave, I could still feel...s p a c e. You will know what I mean when you go try it.